Tuesday, 31 May 2011

EMR/EHR Transcription Integration

If you are not using voice recognition with your EMR/EHR system and prefer a transcriptionist to type up your documents, we have many clients that are enjoying the benefit of EMR/EHR while still being able to dictate using a digital recorder or phone.  We can type directly into your system or upload documents directly into your EMR/EHR system.  You let us know and we will work with you.  We are committed to integrating our transcription service with your EMR\EHR system at any level you need.
If you are using voice recognition with your EMR/EHR system we can help you increase your profitability by providing EMR/EHR editing and proofing services so medical providers can spend more time seeing patients as oppose to editing and proofing.  Our proofing and editing service can also help reduce your liability by avoiding costly mistakes that voice recognition and EMR/EHR systems may not recognize.
Medical providers are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of all EMR/EHR records.  This accuracy can only be assured if a person trained in medical terminology proofs each record.  It is not cost effective for most medical providers to proofread each patient’s medical record before submitting it to the permanent database.
Global Transcription Resources is a corporate member of AHDI whose is the largest professional society representing the clinical documentation sector whose purpose is to set and uphold standards for education and practice in the field of health data capture and documentation that ensure the highest level of accuracy, privacy, and security for the U.S. healthcare service system in order to protect public health, increase patient safety, and improve quality of care for healthcare consumers.
Global Transcription Resources receives information regarding new processes and procedures as they relate to medical health records on an ongoing basis.  AHDI works to advocate for workforce development and credentialing in allied health and the critical role of the technology-enabled documentation knowledge worker in the electronic health record (EHR).  We also follow the guidelines set forth by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). We apply these rules and guidelines to health records from hospitals, clinics and private offices to ensure that quality is consistent throughout the healthcare industry.

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