Saturday, 4 June 2011

What Is Medical Transcription All About?

 Whenever you visit a doctor, a lot of conversation takes place between you and the doctor. Doctor asks many things related to disease symptoms, its history, past encounters etc. The doctors need to know all this information when you visit them again. The doctors advise their patients to undergo some medical test, x – ray or any other necessary diagnostic tool. Doctors may make rough notes of all the information but it needs to be put up in an organized way and format such as a report. Doctors usually do not have that much time that they transcript EMR record into a presentable format. 

The technology gives the solution
         Medical transcription is the solution of this situation. The doctors use a small tape recorder any other digital device to store the audio record of all the above mentioned activities for a whole day. At the end of the day they only have to send this audio recording to the online medical transcriptionist to convert it into an organized and formal report for each and every patient separately. The online MT receives the audio file and transcribes it into the desired format.

Essentials of effective medical transcription

For effective transcription, the doctors should speak slowly and loud enough to be heard and understood by the MT easily. The MT should also possess a high degree of listening skill and good medical vocabulary to produce better results. Thus the physicians are provided with the patient’s reports with ease and speed and they can manage the treatment plan of every patient in an organized and efficient way. The doctors meetings for different disease treatment plans can also be transcribed by this process. 

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